
Murder. Massacre. Decimation. Holocaust. Genocide.

Throughout the ages, Mankind has created those and more, words to describe their own demise. And yet, we have no word for de obliteration of the ones responsible. We do have Deicide, but this only describes the downfall of one such being.

Maybe this makes sense, after all, I was not here before.

Reality is broken, shattered beyond repair. We need to start over and try again, but before the responsibles have to pay their due.

As I start this nameless task a name comes to mind. Phancide. I will go with it until I find a better name.

My rage is unleashed on a single purpose. Death and destruction follow. My brethren, who should be beside me, instead, stand in my way or hide like cowards. It takes a lifetime to finally get to the first ones. The Gods.

Since the dawn of time that they have hindered and halted our growth, whispering in our ears that we are right while the others are wrong. My kind, Mankind, has listened and followed. Life after life, generation after generation, century after century, we have killed ourselves for their amusement.

No More.

As the first ones fall I see panic growing on the eyes of those who defended them. Right after desperation. They finally see.

There is no greater plan. There is no destiny set in stone. Their decisions are their own, the height of their errors and misjudges fall only upon them. No longer will they shift the blame of their actions into a higher being that "Has a plan"

This is how we restart. This is how I will ascend.


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Black Throne

